Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Uncertain Future

Mt. Fuji: Late Summer Sunset

It was a lame weekend; nothing happened and I didn't do anything. Right now the company that I am working for is about to collapse by most accounts and I have been on the internet looking for other jobs and rapping with friends about what their plans are. The conclusion that I keep coming back to is that my time in Japan is probably nearly finished. Thinking about leaving makes me feel empty inside, I have come to love this place and I will truly miss it. But, it also just so happens that I got an email from an old friend, LaĆ­s, in Brazil about a job opening in Salvador, Bahia. That would be neat if I could work that out, but I don't want to get too excited about it yet. Anyway, I have had a lot on plate for the last week in terms of big decisions, so I haven't been doing much else besides thinking. It sucks.

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