Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunset over Futako/GOOSH GOOSH

There was pretty nice sunset today from the top floor of my building, but I pretty much missed it by the time I changed and hurried up there. It was still nice. Getting over the hump-day of the week this afternoon (Sunday) was a Godsend. It has been really nice not drinking so far since my birthday, but it gets a little bit boring and lonely sitting at home almost every night. Anyway, I am saving money.

GOOSH GOOSH: The Most Boring Dude in the Universe
At the office, my coworkers and I have branded this lifeless lump on a log 'The Most Boring Dude in the Universe,' and, boy, he deserves the name 100%. I will give you an example of his complete social/storytelling/academic/linguistic/etc.... ineptitude. There were 3 students and I in the class and I had set the seemingly fun & easy task of telling an interesting anecdote about something that had happened to each of them recently. Two of them told fairly boring, yet comprehensible, anecdotes about their lame lives, which, sad to say, is all to common for the average Tokyoite. They completed the task, albeit minimally, and had succeeded in sparking some interest through a cohesive story. Then 'TMBDITU' started. First, he asked if "using my imagine" was ok, which I had to refuse because, of course, it was supposed to be an anecdote. So he thinks for a minute and begins: "I was very relaxing in my futon last night when sudden there is 'GOOSH, GOOSH' above my head. I was scary. Tear drop down my cheek. 1, 2, 3, 4. I move to next room. Drill above my head is 'IIIIIEEEE, IIIIIIEEEEE." At that point he stopped, at what was apparently the end of his completely pointless story, to look around the class like he was expecting applause or, at least, approval. All he found were empty faces and blank stares. Everybody was confused by his failed attempt at recreating, according to him, a mildly scary story and we decided to move on with the lesson without any further explanation. I found out later that the 'GOOSH, GOOSH' sound was his upstairs neighbor stomping around. Who cries from that? And what exactly does 'very relaxing in my futon' mean? Well, he is very boring and probably doesn't have any lovers besides Rosie Palm and her 5 sisters. Use your 'imagine.'

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