Monday, August 13, 2007

King Carl's Bodacious BBQ

Monday, 'Carl' Louis invited Ash and I over to his penthouse for a 'thank you' BBQ which was apparently in response to some help we gave him carrying his musical instruments home after his last concert, but I think he just wanted to party. We ate & drank before Carl had to teach a lesson at his English school which I sat in on and nearly fell asleep in because I was pretty drunk. Back at his place we cooked, ate, and drank more before calling it a relatively early night. The food was superb and the company was 'superber;' Carl's family is the best. On another note, Carl's wife, Mari, read my horoscope (she is a professional astrologer) and was surprisingly accurate about my personality. It was eerie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes that was a good night. Glad you enjoyed it. Sometime you'll have to have a complete horoscope reading done and you'll really be astounded.