Monday, August 27, 2007

B*Y*O*B & The 4 Muskateers

August turned out to be a month of many events at work, so, hence forth, I organized a small party on Sunday so we (my co-workers and I) could celebrate them together. There were 'farewells' for Ashley & Betty and 'welcomes' for Cam, Derek, and Christie. There were also 'congrats' for my boss & Derek and 'happy birthdays' for Cam and I. So I set up this small gathering at the NHK Hall entrance to Yoyogi Park. We partied there for about 3 hours and then tried to part ways. Rohan, Dan, and I had another drink at Hachiko, then Rohan and I hit the Den En Toshi Line. All would have ended like a normal night, but Rohan had to piss so bad that he got off at my station and hadn't realized that was his last train. We headed to Potluck to drink the night away where we caught up with neighborhood partners in crime, Kiyo and Baba. We got fuckin torn up and Kiyo presented me with his birthday gift: traditional Japanese flip-flops. Great Night. Next day wasn't so hot....

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