Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back to Orlando.... Once Again: Fall 2004

Iowa and Nikki D picked me up at airport. It was amazing to see the destruction caused by Hurricane Frances; trees, building, and road signs were down everywhere. It was at this point that Iowa informed me that we would not be able to move into our apartment for at least a week and so we had to beg Matt to let us stay in my CVI place for an extra week. The first night we had a party with the old regulars: Matt, Eric, John, etc. and the next morning I managed to rear end some bitch and total my pimped out ’89 Chevy Caprice, so I got a 2001 Nissan the next day. Once again Daddio G came through in the clutch. Later that week Iowa and I moved into our place at Arbour Apartments, which was pretty much a ghetto, but very cheap and really close to school. We had to pack up and evacuate 2 times within the first 2 months because of all the bullshit hurricanes.

There were lots of trips to the beach that semester and they were empty almost every time due to the hurricanes stirring up the ocean and making the water brown and dirty. I went there with Eric and Nikki D. mostly, but also took a few trips with Iowa, Gabriel, Jena, and the General. I guess it was that semester when I took a liking to the beach and also grew my first beard. What a feat.

On another note, Claudia and I kept up with our relationship which meant that my phone bill wasn’t the cheapest and that I also was spending way too much time in front of my computer. Things progressed with us and my German was also coming along, so on one of my evacuation ‘vacations’ I convinced my ever-so-loving father to spot me the cash for another plane ticket, which I actually got for an extraordinarily low price. I was determined to make my way back to Europe for a third time and hopefully find a job.

I spent lots of time with Dad that semester, clearing land and debris after every storm that blew through. We also took a 3 day trip to Atlanta and stayed with my Aunt & Uncle to avoid Hurricane Jeanne. I have always loved him with everything inside my soul, but a new appreciation for him grew within me. His devotion to his children and their happiness as well as his own happiness is a trait that I had never really fully understood before that time. Big ups one more time Dad, you are the man.

Gabriel and Jena came for a 3 week vacation in October to take a break from the rigors of the Swiss lifestyle: easy jobs/school with too many days off. I was excited to have them back in Florida for that short time. It felt like 2003 again. I remember one night in particular, we had a party at our house and all the old friends came out. At one point in the night I remember panning around the room and seeing my friends, old and new, conversing and laughing together while listening to one of my old favorites. I forgot what the song was but I think that night will always have a place in my mind as one of the nostalgic party memories.

After Gabriel and Jena left back for Switzerland Claudia made a week long stop in Orlando on her way back to Switzerland. She had been in Costa Rica for around 6 weeks on a surf vacation. Remember what I said about the rigors of a Swiss lifestyle? She showed up with dreads, looking scruffy. Anyway, it was really cool to show her ‘my’ Florida and introduce her to all my friends. I think she left with a new understanding of America and hopefully still carries that with her today.

So after she left, there a momentary lull while the semester finished up and then I was back flying the friendly skies. Next stop, Zürich.

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