Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Fall of a Legend: Paul J. Leslie, Sr.

The Family

The Friends

The Boundless Beauty of Florida

I was back at home within 36 hours of receiving the call from my sister. It was a hassle to get a ticket so quickly, but my good friend, Kiyo, from my neighborhood, Futako Shinchi, helped me find one that Sunday afternoon even though he was still inebriated from the night before. It was strange being back so quickly; I felt as though Tokyo and Ocala had somehow merged into one place, like I had bridged the gap of our parallel Universe. The viewing tough and the funeral was harder, but my family and friends were there to keep my head above the water, like they always have been. Even though the circumstances were utterly opposite of ideal, I managed to have a good time with my people and bask in the boundless beauty of my home. It was spring so the weather was pretty hot, like usual, but was also uncharacteristically dry. There had been raging wild fires throughout Florida and South Georgia for the month before until then, so every night we got a bright red and pink sunset. I was only back for a few days, so I paid my respects to the grandfather that gave his whole life to serve his family and I was once again headed back for the Beast; Tokyo.

Pimp Daddy Leslie

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