Saturday, May 19, 2007

Shaking off the Cobwebs

With the departure of j4 after a belly-filling evening of tabihodai shabu shabu and namihodai with j1,2,4, Chiho, Hana, Eri, and Shinji, the partying has momentarily ceased with a quick spike in my intellectual and creative electro brain waves. I haven’t seen Oz James in week (you still alive?) and only drank with Ashley one night. I have taken this time to dry out somewhat and refocus, and the winter slag seems to finally worn off with my renewed drive to get back into shape.

Nothing special to report on this week, other than I’ve been busting my ass working and have a few weeks of working weekends ahead of me due to the days I have to make up for the leave I took to go back to Florida.

One point of note is the Thai festival I attended before j4’s ‘Ganbatte’ going away party last Sunday. The atmosphere was really upbeat even though I got there an hour before it was officially supposed to wrap up. It would have been a lot cooler if I had been drunk and been with friends, but I had neither at the time. You can’t have everything every time…

Hopefully next week will be more exciting, but something tells me that I am in for more of the same ole’ same ole.’

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