Saturday, January 26, 2008

2 Many Doodes/Tanka is Ghost

Saturday I met Tanka in Harajuku again and headed for a house party. We stayed there for a few hours then I headed to Roppongi to meet Trenton, Miho, and a few ex-NOVA students for an enjoyable meal of Mexican food at La Fiesta. Then it was time to rendezvous with the crowd for karaoke in Mizonokuchi, it being Matt's farewell bash. We went large. I fell off my bike on the way home and face-planted on asphalt which has left me with a bloody chin, shoulder, and knee, as well as a little less dignity. Cam lost his camera, but later miraculously found it hidden away in the least likely location: his jacket pocket. Good luck in Canada, Matt, where the girls are as big as bears and wallow around in animal carcasses!!!

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