Tuesday, September 22, 2009

People of Walmart/Ricky Tic

I was recently tipped off to a new photo blog, called People of Walmart by father, which is effing hilarious. While I was perusing through the pics of the PoW one them jumped out at me through the youtube website drawn on the back of his rockin' jean jacket.... His name is Ricky Tic.


Unknown said...

I'm just none of those were taken in the old hometown.

Unknown said...

hey guy, how are you?
i'm Rafael Willian Gaboardi,i'm from Brazilian , and i saw you in family gaboardi comunity...
i live in Itajai, Santa Catarina.
I met some family members already, and would like to contact you.
my msn is rafaelwillian_@hotmail.com
if you want to add, ok?
