Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mary Blair

Went to the Mary Blair exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo today with the girlfriend courtesy of one of my students who works for the Ghibli Museum. Good stuff.

People of Walmart/Ricky Tic

I was recently tipped off to a new photo blog, called People of Walmart by father, which is effing hilarious. While I was perusing through the pics of the PoW one them jumped out at me through the youtube website drawn on the back of his rockin' jean jacket.... His name is Ricky Tic.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Captain Hardworker

Mike Barnett passed away today. The world has lost another great soul too early....

Mr. Barnett and my mother had started working for Hillcrest at the same time and mom often said that he was the only reason she stayed in special education. He was loved by students, teachers, and parents alike.

Please say hello to my mom for me, Captain Hardworker. The world already misses you.


Monday, September 7, 2009


Jiro and I had our annual birthday party at the Pink Cow in Shibuya this year. I was pretty fun, but not that many folks made out due to the approaching typhoon. Anyway, it was good times.

今年オレと次郎は渋谷のPinkCowでオレたちの誕生日パーチィをした。 楽しかったけどちょっと静かな。