Tuesday, December 29, 2009

all moved

I am all moved in to my "new" digs in Youga. I say "new" because the place is probably 30 years old, but very spacious and about 30,000円 cheaper than my old place in Futako. The added bonus is being neighbors with Karl Louis!!

The shirt of the Century!

I found this shirt while fighting my way through the Don Quixote in Shibuya last week. It was begging to be sent as gift to my Swiss friend Gabriel. Translation: "It's a good size for girls."

溝口の駅長Mizonokuchi Stationmaster

The New Stationmaster at JR Mizonokuchi Station

Monday, December 28, 2009

sunset over Mt. Fuji 富士山の夕焼け

A silhouetted Mt. Fuji from Futakotamagawa Station over the Tamagawa River

Sunday, December 6, 2009

the views never get old

some rocking views of Tokyo from the Tokyo Tower courtesy of the girlfriend

Like father, like son

Rudy G. Sr. & Rudy G. Jr.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

around Tokyo

some terrible graffiti

Miyamasuzaka, Shibuya

Takeshita, Harajuku

246, 用賀、世田谷区
246, Youga, Setagaya-ku

@ the batting cage

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mary Blair

Went to the Mary Blair exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo today with the girlfriend courtesy of one of my students who works for the Ghibli Museum. Good stuff.

People of Walmart/Ricky Tic

I was recently tipped off to a new photo blog, called People of Walmart by father, which is effing hilarious. While I was perusing through the pics of the PoW one them jumped out at me through the youtube website drawn on the back of his rockin' jean jacket.... His name is Ricky Tic.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Captain Hardworker

Mike Barnett passed away today. The world has lost another great soul too early....

Mr. Barnett and my mother had started working for Hillcrest at the same time and mom often said that he was the only reason she stayed in special education. He was loved by students, teachers, and parents alike.

Please say hello to my mom for me, Captain Hardworker. The world already misses you.


Monday, September 7, 2009


Jiro and I had our annual birthday party at the Pink Cow in Shibuya this year. I was pretty fun, but not that many folks made out due to the approaching typhoon. Anyway, it was good times.

今年オレと次郎は渋谷のPinkCowでオレたちの誕生日パーチィをした。 楽しかったけどちょっと静かな。

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Simple Jack

With elections coming up, local Kawasaki politican, Daishiro Yamagiwa (山際 大志郎), took time out to do his Simple Jack (Ben Stiller) impersonation from Tropic Thunder.


Tamagawa Fireworks Festival 2009

A day(s) at the beach

Kamakura Beach
August 2009

The 酔っ払い Dude

I saw this asshole on the Yamanote Line this past Friday evening. The saddest part was that is was only 10pm, not even all that late... What a waste of life....

先週の金曜日に僕は山手線にこいつを見た。10時ぐらいにだけだよ。ちょっと早いこの負け犬はねぇぇ。。。 超ジャマ。。。

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Drinking in Wendy's

Jiro and I partaking in a lukewarm Sapporo brew while waiting for our burgers at the Wendy's on Centergai in Shibuya.  皆はこのオレ達が好きだぞ。

Gabriel The Tank in Tokyo

Gabriel's summer visit ended my push for sobriety with 9 days (nights) of drinking. It also set a new record for me: partying with a friend in 7 countries; the USA, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, South Korea, & Japan. Big Ups for making the trip, Der Chef vom Dienst!

Summer Update

Well, summer is winding down and I haven't put anything up here for awhile, so here goes....

Summer was fun and is still hot. Gabriel came to visit, which kicked ass. Went to the beach a few times. Had a few fireworks parties. I guess not much actually happened due to my limited budget, but it was still a good summer. My birthday is coming up in a week. Chaos will ensue.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mabry & Nana

This photo of my sister and grandmother was taken on the day of my mother's funeral service. It is one of my favorites.

Jimmy & friends!

A night at Hooters!

me, Brendan, & Mike Ramos
Spring 2005

Typical Japanese Overreaction

This episode...... the H1N1A influenza. I took this picture upon arrival at Narita International Airport in Japan. Passengers were not permitted to get off the plane until everybody had been "screened." ** Note that some of the 'bio-suited' health inspectors have no hoods or goggles. **

Views from North/Central Florida

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Paul Joseph Leslie, Sr.

I never thought I would be able to see my grandfather as a 3-month-old baby, but I guess stranger things have happened in life....

2009 NBA Eastern Conference Champions

Ph.inally D.one!!!!!

My sister graduated with her Ph.D...... finally! She is really relieved that the whole thing is completed because she had to go through Hell to get it. Congrats, Mabry!

Mabry's Dream

My sister's email about a recent dream. Not exactly MLK Jr. caliber.....

"i had a dream that you had a mullet and we were running around with michael in some freezing, prehistoric cave. it was sort of hundreds of years ago, except we were talking on cell phones. you were calling michael "chapter 12" and you were "chapter 10.2". each of you had taken out a loan to go drinking (while drunk) and michael was freaking out because he just realized it.

no more naps in a hot apartment. totally groggy."

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

花見 2009 @ 砧公園世田谷

A Blast from the Past

Helene's Farewell Picnic; 代々木公園; 2008
Nikki, Yours Truly, Nils

Saturday, February 21, 2009