These are some of the pieces Helene put together for her project/exhibition last summer entitled, Routine Way. Her purpose was to capture the feeling and essence of the Tokyoite commuter coming home to the suburbs after a long day in central Tokyo. All the models wrote captions for their series' in their mother tongue and then Helene used an instant translator for 'genuine' translations into French, Japanese, or English to get the true effect of fake Tokyo. My caption read:
I am a guerrilla, a soldier of fortune. I leave the battlefield in search of a comrade, a piece of tranquility. I find nobody and I find nothing. I find myself sinking into an abyssal loneliness many leagues below the surface of sanity. Situation: Normal (All Fucked Up). Outlook: Grim. Next deployment: Back to the front line at the same time tomorrow. War is Hell.
I leave the battlefield in search of a comrade, a piece of tranquility.
私は りょうゆう の 静けさ の 部分 を 求めて 戦 場 を のに す。
I guess working for NOVA for so long really put me in the pits....... I am glad I work for Oracle now.
All photos © Helen Iodtschin. 2007.
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