Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Tokyo Apache

Saturday, I went with Misuzu for my first bj League (that's 'basketball japan League' for all you pervs) game of The Tokyo Apache. We had center-court, 3rd row tickets and we won by nearly 20 points over the Niigata Albirex BB. And to top everything off we got to see Kobe Bryant's dad, Joe 'Jelly Bean' Bryant. He is the head coach of my new home team, The Tokyo Apache.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Ginza Tiger

The Ginza Tiger
Wildcat. RATATAT.
jimBo Rose. 2008.

Happy Easter

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

more welcome photos

Greetings from sunny Antigua

Beautiful Kami in Antigua

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A day at the park...

After my basketball team's tournament today Misuzu and I went to Kinuta Park and some asshole bird shit on my neck. It was a good balance for the immaculate weather.

The General's Birthday

The Genenral, Teppei & his wife, and I have started a new birthday celebratory tradition of eating at this small Korean restaurant in Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku and going to karaoke afterwards. We ate too much and drank too much. It was a blast!

Sore Thumb

Friday, my office had a welcome party for me and farewell party for my bosses secretary, Ishii-san. It was at a really nice restaurant so I felt like a bum the way I was dressed. Note to self: No casual clothes for ANY work related recreational activities.

Don't touch my bone!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gen is back

clockwise from me: Gen, Junko, Mayu, Kayo, Super Ichiko

Ready for the cheesy line?? The picture isn't the best quality, but being with old friends is. OK, now that that's over with, Kayo organized a small gathering of old NOVA friends the other night in Shibuya for dinner with Gen. He is back in Tokyo for a few weeks after travelling around Europe and the Middle East for a months. He is going back to San Fran for a month then heading back here again. It's always cool to see old pals.

Nothing in life is free?

Paul introduced me to his tailor friend, Suichiro, up in Mizonokuchi a few weeks ago and I went and got measured up for some shirts with all the fixings, customized everything: pockets, collar, cuffs, buttons, thread color, pattern, and even my name embroidered on the sleeve. The thing is that when I went to pick them up my name was on the cuff. I wasn't even upset all because it looks pretty cool, but Suichiro apologized profusely and I got both shirts for free, with two more on the way and he knocked ¥6,000 off a suit of this season's new mohair that I am getting tailored up for Gabriel's wedding next month .

Rountine Way

These are some of the pieces Helene put together for her project/exhibition last summer entitled, Routine Way. Her purpose was to capture the feeling and essence of the Tokyoite commuter coming home to the suburbs after a long day in central Tokyo. All the models wrote captions for their series' in their mother tongue and then Helene used an instant translator for 'genuine' translations into French, Japanese, or English to get the true effect of fake Tokyo. My caption read:
I am a guerrilla, a soldier of fortune. I leave the battlefield in search of a comrade, a piece of tranquility. I find nobody and I find nothing. I find myself sinking into an abyssal loneliness many leagues below the surface of sanity. Situation: Normal (All Fucked Up). Outlook: Grim. Next deployment: Back to the front line at the same time tomorrow. War is Hell.

I leave the battlefield in search of a comrade, a piece of tranquility.

私は りょうゆう の 静けさ の 部分 を 求めて 戦 場 を のに す。

I guess working for NOVA for so long really put me in the pits....... I am glad I work for Oracle now.

All photos © Helen Iodtschin. 2007.

Club Ever

I have been spending an awful lot of time with Helene recently; I think "Frenchness" is starting to soak into my bones. Last week Helene's boyfriend, Nikki (a.k.a.Westwood), hosted a party at Club Ever in Omotesandou with 6 DJs, Esie, and a live painting session. I felt like I was in Hansel's party place in Zoolander with all the artsy people in there.

The BJ League?!?!?!?!?

One of my friends, Misuzu, has the hookup for free tickets to Japan's professional basketball league, The BJ League (Basketball Japan League). The name always throws me off.

Miho's Orange Flower


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

Greetings from sunny Italia!

Risa (on the right) just got back from Thailand and she is off in Italia now. She reminds me of me a few years back when I had more freedom. The period between finishing uni and getting a job kick anus!

Suzuki 2.1 & Alice

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Basketball & Heartbreak

Saturday, Helene wanted me to pose for another of her photo projects and I eagerly accepted. This project is supposed to be about love and Tokyo, so I decided that the best place would be the basketball courts in Yoyogi Park. I love basketball and I also fell for a chick who I played ball with there; it was the perfect marriage of ideas for the shoot. I rendezvoused with Helene and Kozue, then we trekked around Shibuya-ku after the shoot, ending up in classy cafe near Omotesandou station. It was a cool afternoon with lots of French in my ears.


Eri and I caught up Friday night and headed to my buddy Alex's going away party. He and his new wife, Tomo, just got married and are returning to Canada to start their new life. Congrats to them! Alan is always a center piece at parties, what with the tattoos and piercings.