Monday, February 11, 2008

Cocktails & Dreams Happy Hour 2008

The 3 Muskateers: Jimmy, Pete, and Jiro

Jiro, Pete, and I threw a rager at Club IBEX in Roppongi on Sunday night complete with 2 hours of happy hour, yours truly bartending and sexy pole dancers. The party went off without a hitch and I look forward to hosting another in the near future. Big ups to Romano who hooked it up and the bar staff who showed me the ropes as my bartending cherry was popped. Paul and I headed to Club Pure in Shibuya for our own after party that was hooked up by Jeff.

I just got some pictures from Jiro and got his version of what happened: he didn't remember, and we are going to leave it at that to save any further embarrassment. So there weren't very many pictures taken and most of them turn out to be crap. Here are some good ones.

Yours Truly.... in the dark

one of our talented pole divas

The invitations:

Please join us as we host our 2nd annual Cocktails & Dreams Happy Hour at IBEX in Roppongi.

Behind the bar will be Jiro, Pete, and our special guest Jimmy Gaboardi. ALL DRINKS WILL BE 500 YEN BEFORE 22:00, SO BE SURE TO GET THERE EARLY. NO COVER. What: Cocktails & Dreams Happy Hour 2008When: Sunday, February 10 2008 - 20:00 Where: CLUB IBEX - Roppongi 3-15-24, ARIES BUILDING 4F Cover: NO. Drink Specials: 500円/drink until 22:00 Entertainment: Live DJ - Hip Hop/R&B, sexy pole dancers (seriously), fabulous bartending by your boys Jiro, Pete, & Jimmy

六本木のIBEXで第2回 Cocktails & Dreams Happy Hourを開催します!私とPete、そしてスペシャルゲストと致しましてJimmy Gaboardiがカウンターの向こう側に立って皆さんにおいしいカクテルを作ります。前回以上にお楽しみいただけると思います。皆さん奮ってのご参加をお願いいたします!22時まではすべてのドリンクが500円です!皆さんお早めにお越しください。開催日時:2月10日(日)20:00スタート場所:IBEX 六本木3-5-24、ARIESビル4階費用:無料エンターテイメント:ライブDJ、ヒップホップ、R&B、セクシーポールダンサーズ(マジマジ!)、すばらしいバーテンダー!六本木交差点からAlmondを右手に外苑東通りを進みます。5分位歩くと、ドン・キホーテがあり、ドン・キホーテを通り越した次の角を左に曲がります。下り坂の1番奥にあるビル四階が会場となります。IBEXという店です。お待ちしています!!


ash said...
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ash said...

fuk u bitch, you can't have that much fun without me. if you're having one early july, i'm fuking flying up.

Jimbo said...

we will see what can be done.... but no more punchy punch!! hahaha