Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wendy the Wonder Dog
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Stanky Panky
Ballers we be on some twanky twankies. Player haters get found stanky stanky. Chiefing fat blunts of that danky danky. Big diamond rings on our panky panky.
Sex sells.... unless you're foreign
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Greeting from sunny New Zealand
春一番, Haru Ichiban, Spring First
The Haru Ichiban, 春一番, are the winds that signal winter is coming to a close and spring is around the corner. This year's winds brought thick, choking clouds of red dust and debris to go along with the inconvenience of the crazy winds. I was hacking up crap all this afternoon and digging red & brown dirt out of my eyes, ears, and nose. My apartment smells uniquely earthy now.
Huy are the Champions
A Canadian Vietnamese buddy, Huy (pronuonced 'We'), decided to have his going away party at Club Air in Dainkanyama on Friday night. I met up with the group (Huy, Carmelo Anthony, Dan, Tan and some others) in Shibuya then headed for the club. It was really fun all night except for that one of Huy's Japanese friends got elbowed in the eye by some asshole dancing all crazy-like which opened up a small third eye. The full moon in the morning was priceless as well.
Everything but the Girl
One of my Jumpcut.com buddies, James DiPadua, made this music video. I thought it was pretty cool. Check it out!
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Darkest Light
The Darkest Light.
Lafayette Afro Rock Band.
jimBo rose 2008.
**The player won't seem to embed properly for this video so you can check it out directly on the jumpcut.com website at The Darkest Light.**
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Paul Day All Day
Nanasae Aikawa
Saturday, I headed to Shibuya for Nanasae Aikawa concert. We got in free VIP because Fuzzy Control, Satoko's band, was backing her up. The concert was being broadcast live on radio which was cool enough, but there were some other really famous people there too besides Nanasae Aikawa. Marty Friedman from Megadeth and some other dude whose name I forgot made appearances. It was a good show.
Kiyo Nights
Friday, Kiyo and I headed to Futako Tamagawa relatively early to help with the last minute pre-opening activities at Tetsuya and Futa's new bar, Bar NEST. They quit Potluck back in December and had been finalizing the details on their new place. Anyway, after a few hours of that I headed home for a nap then to Shibuya to met Manu for a coffee, and then Tamaplaza to meet Kotone, then back home and finally back to Futakotamagawa for a pre-opening party mock trial of Bar NEST. I was pretty worn out from the days activites and sick with a cold, but Kiyo, Teppei and Mai convinced me to come to Roppongi with them to vivit Saya on her last day at TGI Friday's before starting at Bar NEST. We took the last train to Roppongi and stayed at TGI Friday's until about 3:30 where Kiyo fell asleep and then hit up Abbott's Choice where Kiyo fell asleep again until first train. It was a busy day, but really eventful. All good.
Greeting from sunny Thailand
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Greetings from sunny Brasil
Hideki's Day of Birth
Monday, February 11, 2008
Cocktails & Dreams Happy Hour 2008
Jiro, Pete, and I threw a rager at Club IBEX in Roppongi on Sunday night complete with 2 hours of happy hour, yours truly bartending and sexy pole dancers. The party went off without a hitch and I look forward to hosting another in the near future. Big ups to Romano who hooked it up and the bar staff who showed me the ropes as my bartending cherry was popped. Paul and I headed to Club Pure in Shibuya for our own after party that was hooked up by Jeff.
I just got some pictures from Jiro and got his version of what happened: he didn't remember, and we are going to leave it at that to save any further embarrassment. So there weren't very many pictures taken and most of them turn out to be crap. Here are some good ones.
one of our talented pole divas
The invitations:
Please join us as we host our 2nd annual Cocktails & Dreams Happy Hour at IBEX in Roppongi.
Behind the bar will be Jiro, Pete, and our special guest Jimmy Gaboardi. ALL DRINKS WILL BE 500 YEN BEFORE 22:00, SO BE SURE TO GET THERE EARLY. NO COVER. What: Cocktails & Dreams Happy Hour 2008When: Sunday, February 10 2008 - 20:00 Where: CLUB IBEX - Roppongi 3-15-24, ARIES BUILDING 4F Cover: NO. Drink Specials: 500円/drink until 22:00 Entertainment: Live DJ - Hip Hop/R&B, sexy pole dancers (seriously), fabulous bartending by your boys Jiro, Pete, & Jimmy
六本木のIBEXで第2回 Cocktails & Dreams Happy Hourを開催します!私とPete、そしてスペシャルゲストと致しましてJimmy Gaboardiがカウンターの向こう側に立って皆さんにおいしいカクテルを作ります。前回以上にお楽しみいただけると思います。皆さん奮ってのご参加をお願いいたします!22時まではすべてのドリンクが500円です!皆さんお早めにお越しください。開催日時:2月10日(日)20:00スタート場所:IBEX 六本木3-5-24、ARIESビル4階費用:無料エンターテイメント:ライブDJ、ヒップホップ、R&B、セクシーポールダンサーズ(マジマジ!)、すばらしいバーテンダー!六本木交差点からAlmondを右手に外苑東通りを進みます。5分位歩くと、ドン・キホーテがあり、ドン・キホーテを通り越した次の角を左に曲がります。下り坂の1番奥にあるビル四階が会場となります。IBEXという店です。お待ちしています!!
Back in Basketball
The Brothers Funaki
Alex is back
Betty + Francis = Superstars
Classic footage of my old office mate Betty (Chinese Australian girl) and her boyfriend, Francis (Irish dude with the beard), at Francis' house. The TV show wanted to get the opinions of foreigners in a natural "home party" which was completely fabricated.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Slippers are for sneaking
Not so sunny on Superbowl Sunday....
What was forecasted to be a bright, clear winter day turned out to be quite the opposite. About 6 inches of snow fell Sunday from what I could see on top of parked cars. Snow is a fun novelty for the first 30 minutes, then it sucks; especially when you have to take the train at 9am Monday morning. grrrr