Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A musing from 2008 into 2009


Watakushi ha kokage no naka ni sumu.
Soko no seikatsu ha yukkuri nagarete, suki desu.

I live in the shade of the tree.
There, life passes slowly, and I like it.

-Jimmy Bones 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Crear Green

Japanese People are nuts

James Bond in Florida

Who knew Ian Fleming ever heard of Ocala and Silver Springs. These bits come from Live and Let Die.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Passing of Paul Newman

Paul Newman, one of Hollywood's best actors & most generous philanthropists, died last week. I always liked Mr. Newman's work, especially The Sting, with Robert Redford, but he always meant a lot more than that to me. He dedicated his life to being cool, but more importantly, to helping others, especially children. Spaghetti sauce was also a forte of his. The world will miss you Mr. Paul Newman. You will be welcomed where you are going now.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall is coming....

Frat Party

The General hosted his annual frat party at the Tama River this part weekend. We got drunk by the river and it felt like being in college all over again.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Karl Malone on Aliens

Karl Malone?

This is a video I came across on Youtube when I was looking for a Karl Malone clip. I guess it is some British family's home video set a the Gorillaz song. It is kind of lame, but I also thought it was pretty cool. I am not really sure why.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Some amazing views from my apartment

26 years old

First off I have to say that I never thought I would live this long, but...... I did. Jiro and I had our birthday parties together again this year, but we did something different because hip-hop parties at IBEX are getting old. So, we started the party at a nice little bar called Ale House 82 then moved to Sam & Dave's for the remainder of the evening.

Power Nap for a Power Ranger

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Sometimes doing nice things actually does pay off. I wrote in here that I had found a wallet containing roughly $600 a few weeks ago. Well, I got a letter today from the owner and he sent me 10% of what was in the wallet. I have to split that with English Paul, but it is still free money.

Cam's Birthday Party/Rebel Yell

Cam's birthday party in Akasaka

Rebel Yell in Akasaka

Sunday, August 17, 2008

MOV: Tamagawa Hanabi 多摩川花-火

Saturday was the big Tamagawa Fireworks Festival, but for the third straight year there was a rain scare. As it turns out for the third straight year the weather miraculously cleared up and it went off without a hitch. We messed around by the river for a while, then chilled in front of Talkies until the fireworks started.

We got invited by one of Miho's friends to go to a party on somebody's roof in Futakotamagawa. It was cool, but I was pretty drunk by then so I don't remember much.

The after party was at an izakaya in Futakotamagawa and then Miho & I headed back to chill with the crew at Talkies before we headed home. We decided to go for a walk later on that night and I fell out of a broken chair.

MOV: Miho's Obon Visit; Pt. 1

Miho came up to Tokyo for the Obon season last week. She came up for 4 days and the first and last days we didn't do much, but the second and third we went all out.

Friday morning we woke up and went to Shibuya for lunch then to Kudanshita for this year's Yasukuni Shrine event. Yasukuni is an extremely touchy subject in East Asia and, as such, there were hordes of ultra-nationalists, liberals, and, to hold the line between them, riot police. I had always heard amazing stories of insanity happening there and we saw a little (e.g. old dudes dressed in historical military garb, ultra-nationalist militants, etc....) but didn't get much in the way of physical confrontations.

After Yasukuni, we headed to Nishi Shinjuku, a.ka. The Skyscraper District, for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Headquarters, or Tochō, to see some good panoramas of the Tokyo Metro Area during good weather.

Next, we head back towards "central" Central Tokyo for Sakura Damon to have a look a look at the National Diet (Assembly) Building.

From the Diet we walked to the Imperial Palace, Kōkyo, Gardens and through to Tokyo Station to catch the Chūō Line back to Shinjuku.

We had earlier decided to come back to the Tochō after dark to get a better view of Tokyo at with a nearly full moon. It was spectacular and to top it off there was a massive thunderstorm brewing in the distance somewhere north of Mount Fuji.

After all the events of the day we were pretty tired, but no ready to give up, so we headed back to Futako Shinchi and met up with English Paul for some drinking and karaoke in Mizunokuchi.


Darts at Talkies in Futako Tamagawa with the Futako Shinchi crew.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Boys of Summer

Things happen. I think I am going to get back into writing this journal. Life sucks sometimes. Goerge Orwell always writes short sentences. Life is always cool. It was his rule to always use simple words and less of them. I can respect that shit. Dee Underwood and I found a wallet with 60,000yen in it tonight with no ID and still turned it in. Doing good keeps the good times rolling. Before that we witnessesed a bike crash and some other bullshit. Life is full of karma that you overlook sometimes, but it is always there. You just wait. West end girls do dudes like me...... I am an East end boy.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

back to summer bbqs

Sunday afternoon the Sunset Drive gang came over for a small bbq at the Tama river. All good fun guys!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kumiko's Last Stand

My old buddy, Kumiko, is leaving soon for Australia, so, naturally, we had a farewell party. It is sad to see her go, but she is going to be with her boyfriend, so best of luck to the both of them.

Goodbye and goodluck Kumiko!!

Futako Matsuri

Once a year the Takatsu-ku local government closes down Oyama-dori(street) from Futakoshinchi to Mizonokuchi for a Matsuri festival. Highlights include bands, dancers, mikoshi, crazy good food and a million drunks roaming the streets and lurking in the alleys. Paul I met up around 3:30 to head out (which was actually directly in front of my building). Once in our groove, we made our initial lap to Mizo and back with some eats and a few beers before my Italian friend, Taziana showed up with one of her friends. Paul went home then Tazi, her friend, and I made another round to Mizo. Paul came out again after that and my landlord bought (stole) some beers for us. We ended up at the river around midnight drunk as skunks. It was a good day.

Paul "Dee Underwood" "uumKay"

Satan came to party and spilled some blood

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sleeping Douche

This D-bag was drunk and sleeping in the rain outside my place last night. What a jack ass.

Cocktails & Dreams Happy Hour Vol. 5

Bartending is fun.

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile since the last time I wrote anything up on here. So, I thought that a small update would be in order. Summer time has finally arrived and it is getting hot and humid in Tokyo, which I was eagerly awaiting. I have started promoting a monthly event called "The Birth of Electric Sheep" which is basically all live art performances (music, paint, dance, calligraphy). Next week Jiro and I are bartending at IBEX Tokyo again and that should be fun. The bad news as of late is my knee(s). I seem to have a torn meniscus in my left knee, and potentially a worsening one in the right. The doctor told me to rest for now, but I will probably need surgery in the near future. Peace.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Niigata Nights

I haven't been doing the whole blog thing for awhile but I finally around to putting up some stuff from the last month or so. I went to Korea for Gabriel & Jena's wedding which was great, then when I came back to Japan I head up to see Akira in Niigata. Summer has started and I am getting ready for the busyness. I started doing promotions with a friend for art/culture events and I will be posting more info about that up here in time. I am also getting into Japanese school and planning to help Paul out with his BBQ traditions this summer. Bis dann.....

Daegu, S. Korea

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Walking in Memphis with 2 feet off the ground

I heard it from the horses mouth tonight: 'Get busy living or get busy dying.'
Two old cousins in one great photo.
John & Jacob Leslie

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Birth of Electric Sheep

The Birth of Electric Sheep @ Club Ever, Aoyama

produced by Mika

Sunday, April 6, 2008