Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sun Red 天体戦士サンレッド

I finally found a Japanese cartoon that is comparable to Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Tentai Senshi Sun Red. It takes place in Mizonokuchi and bascially revolves around the super hero, Sun Red, who actually is an unemployed asshole, fighting off the villains, Florsheim, who are productive members of society.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Friends

Been a while since I wrote anything up here, so I thought it would be time for pre-summer update..... Haven't really been doing shit but studying and working. Good Stuff...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge over Tokyo Bay from Ariake/Odaiba

No Man's Land

The French Embassy in Tokyo moved into a new compound back in November and a team of artists was brought in to transform the old building into a work of art. My girlfriend and I went last weekend to check it out. It was pretty cool. 'No Man's Land.' Check it out before they wrap up on February 18th....

Fuji from Kuji

Yesterday I took my new bike for a ride through my old neighborhood, Kuji, and got a great view of Fuji-san. Good stuff.


It's not exactly 'Snowmageddon' like on the East Coast, but this much snow is fairly rare in Tokyo. It is the most snow since I have have been here. That was last week and now it is already back to normal, save the few spots in the shadows that haven't melted.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Progenitor

My grandfather as a young lad (standing). circa 1917.

taking advantage of swedish furniture

You can't beat the 150円 hotdog set or the free drink refills. Ikea rocks. Now they just need to make quality furniture....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tropical Paradise?

This is for all you who watch the movies and believe Florida is some kind of year-round sun romp. Right now it is much warmer in Tokyo than in my hometown.....

Mini-snowmen. Ocala, Florida

Frozen fountain.... at noon. FSU, Tallahassee, Florida

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year Eve 2009/New Year 2010

For New Year's this year I decided to forgo the quasi-traditional party at MUSE in Nishi-Azabu and do something more orthodox. The original plan was to go Meiji Shrine in Yoyogi Park, but at the last minute we decided to go to Zojo Temple under the Tokyo Tower and it was the right choice. We met up with 3 friends, Trenton, Jason, and Akira, at 9pm at Hamamatsucho Station and walked to the temple to check out a quick rehearsal before heading back to Ale House 82 to grab a few drinks before the actual countdown. The drinks were good, and we managed to get seats.... next to a group of touristy looking types (they will be mentioned again). At 11:15 we headed back to the temple, which had become quite crowded for the countdown. All were in high spirits at midnight, the balloons were released, people cheered, and then rushed into the temple to pray. It was a relaxed stampede that got hairy a few times, but we made it through and after, enjoyed a few a beers and amazake at the temple. Around 2am we headed back to the station and parted ways with the guys. As we climbed the stairs so we get up the platform to the Yamanote line we hear some yelling, go to check it out, and find some crazed "touristy looking" type of chick sitting on the platform screaming "Do I look like an alien!?!?!?" while sitting with her legs spread out to about 135 degrees and waving her arms like an octopus (she did look like an alien). Then we realized that she was one of the girls who was sitting directly next to us at Ale House 82. She was with her boyfriend acting an ass on the platform and he was getting really embarrassed. He was saying, "Babe... Babe... Are you OK?" Then she started yelling, "Take me to the police!" Things were getting out of hand and there was a large crowd forming. At that point the boyfriend started with, "What the f*ck are you talking about?" and the girl tried to run away but she was drunk and was falling down so he grabbed her arm which caused her to fall on her back against a big pipe. More crazy screaming ensued, after which the train came and she tried to get on it, but the dude grabbed her arm because she was falling again.... and again she fell on her back halfway on the train. All the people on the train thought he was beating her. She went limp in protest as he was literally dragging her off the train back onto the platform. I usually like watching meltdowns, but this one was probably the most unnerving I have seen in awhile. Other than that experience it was a very fulfilling New Year's celebration. Welcome Year of the Tiger!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas 2009

We left out cookies, milk, and carrots for Santa and the reindeer.