Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mabry & Nana

This photo of my sister and grandmother was taken on the day of my mother's funeral service. It is one of my favorites.

Jimmy & friends!

A night at Hooters!

me, Brendan, & Mike Ramos
Spring 2005

Typical Japanese Overreaction

This episode...... the H1N1A influenza. I took this picture upon arrival at Narita International Airport in Japan. Passengers were not permitted to get off the plane until everybody had been "screened." ** Note that some of the 'bio-suited' health inspectors have no hoods or goggles. **

Views from North/Central Florida

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Paul Joseph Leslie, Sr.

I never thought I would be able to see my grandfather as a 3-month-old baby, but I guess stranger things have happened in life....

2009 NBA Eastern Conference Champions


My sister graduated with her Ph.D...... finally! She is really relieved that the whole thing is completed because she had to go through Hell to get it. Congrats, Mabry!

Mabry's Dream

My sister's email about a recent dream. Not exactly MLK Jr. caliber.....

"i had a dream that you had a mullet and we were running around with michael in some freezing, prehistoric cave. it was sort of hundreds of years ago, except we were talking on cell phones. you were calling michael "chapter 12" and you were "chapter 10.2". each of you had taken out a loan to go drinking (while drunk) and michael was freaking out because he just realized it.

no more naps in a hot apartment. totally groggy."